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우리 이스트라TV에서 다양한 이벤트를 마련했는데요🎉✨
다름 아닌 TV를 구매해주시는 모든 분께
각 모델에 따라 ☕스타벅스 아메리카노 커플 세트☕
또는 🎀요아럽 솝앤 바디세트🎁를 증정해드립니다🌺
해당 프로모션은 단 일주일간 진행하니
모두 고성능의 안드로이드 TV도 구매하시고 푸짐한 사은품도 받아보세요💖
◆제품 링크
●AA 시리즈
AA431: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5404194976
AA500: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5006169269
●AN9 시리즈
AN430: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5265400034
AN550: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5051332015
AN700: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5009241715
●AU9 시리즈
AU500: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5540663469
AU550: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5015026999
AU750: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5049864978
●AN11 시리즈
AN433: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5890106629
AN503: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5889991459
AN553: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5890096781
AN653: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5890305134
●AU11 시리즈
AU433: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5909920244
AU503: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/6097127120
AU553: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/6097019001
AU653: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5981665796
●UC10 시리즈
UC431: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/4789351786
UC501: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/4824376587
UC551: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/4709453058
UC651: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5410056376
UC701: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5414679104
UC751: https://brand.naver.com/estla/products/5414797190
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